Conditions We Treat
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Shoulder Pain
Elbow Pain
Wrist/Hand Pain
Hip Pain
Knee Pain
Muscle Strains
Ankle & Foot Pain
Strength Training
Injury Prevention
Post Surgical Rehabilitation
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson's Disease
Balance Training
Movement Deficits
Chronic Pain Treatment
Sports Performance
CrossFit Athletes
Youth Athletes

"My Journey Back to Training For Running
a Half Marathon Has Become a Reality,
Thanks to Dr. Cat."
I am a 66 year old female with over 40 years of long distance running/racing. Lots of wear & tear on the body. Finally resigned myself to accepting my days of distance were gone. Then, I had attended a workshop/seminar given by Dr. Cat at my crossfit facility. She really impressed me & our entire group with her knowledge of body mechanics.
Her presentation with our group participating along, showed the expertise she has in the field of P/T.
After our very first session, I knew I had made the right decision in working with her. She gave me a thorough eval, & set me up with exactly what I needed to strengthen my weak/injury prone areas that had been preventing me from following my passion of distance running.
Honestly, never believed I would be able to get back to the kind of training I am able to do now. I am THRILLED to have this goal again! Dr. Cat’s constant support & assistance along this personal journey has been nothing but tremendous!!!"