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How Physical Therapy is Used to Treat Cerebral Palsy

How PT is Used to Treat Cerebral Palsy

There are three varieties of Cerebral Palsy (Spastic, Athetoid, and Ataxic) and individuals with each kind can benefit from physical therapy in different ways. Physical therapy is a key treatment methodology to help patients improve their quality of life and increase their independence. Cerebral Palsy presents with a wide range of symptoms of varying severity, so each patient is evaluated and treated on a case-by-case basis. There is no one-size-fits-all physical therapy treatment for the condition, but there are proven therapies which can be of great benefit.

In each case, physical therapy is an important part of the treatment regimen and helps individuals with CP be more independent and manage their symptoms. For example, in cases of Spastic Cerebral Palsy a common symptom is extreme muscle stiffness, so a physical therapist will work with their patient to do daily range of motion exercises to loosen the stiff muscles and improve their mobility.

For individuals with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy, exercises focus on overall improvement of mobility throughout the body. This even includes exercises for facial muscles, as some children with Athetoid CP can experience problems with drooling or involuntary facial expressions like grimaces. Strengthening exercises to address hypotonia (abnormally low muscle tone) are also an important part of the treatment regimen. Exercises to help with balance are also a major part of the treatment as maintaining posture can be very challenging for people with Athetoid Cerebral Palsy. 

In cases of Ataxic Cerebral Palsy, strength and flexibility exercises are used, and a physical therapist may suggest the use of orthotics such as splints or braces to help with posture and balance, as motor control issues make balancing difficult.

Since Cerebral Palsy can frequently affect one limb or one side of the body most severely, a PT may use Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT), which involves making the patient perform actions exclusively with their affected limbs. This type of therapy can increase neuroplasticity and help the patient improve their ability to execute certain movements successfully. Gait training is often employed to help specifically with issues related to walking which can occur with each variety of Cerebral Palsy. 

While some cases may require corrective surgeries, medication, and other more intensive treatment, physical therapy is an important part of helping patients with Cerebral Palsy live more independently and with higher quality of life.


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