Jan 1Osteoarthritis vs Rheumatoid Arthritis It’s likely when most people hear or read the word “arthritis” that they are picturing classic osteoarthritis – they picture an older person
Jun 1, 2023Recovering From Total Hip Replacement SurgerySometimes the only solution to chronic hip problems, like pain and loss of mobility associated with osteoarthritis, is hip replacement...
Apr 1, 2022Piriformis SyndromeHow do you know if you have piriformis syndrome or sciatica? Both diagnoses involve the sciatica nerve but where the compression occurs...
Jan 10, 2022Adductor StrainThe adductors are our inner thigh muscles. They run from the groin down to the inside of the knee. The adductors are strained most often..
Aug 1, 2021What Causes Pinching In The Groin?The hip is comprised of 2 bones: the femur and the pelvis, creating a ball and socket joint. The hip should freely be able to move in all...